miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010



The constant exercise can help prevent cancer in a woman, but only if they get enough sleep. National Cancer Institute studied nearly 5968 women for 10 years, during which 604 of them developed any type of cancer. Women with pysical activity showed a 20 percent reduction in cancer compared with those who exercised less. In this segment, sleeping less than seven hours per night, reduced the benefits of exercise.

oats, citrus and honey


Oats, citrus, and honey can improve sex and fertility.Oats produce a chemical that releases testosterone in the blood, improving the sexual experience and strength of orgasm.

Vitamin C improves sperm count and mobility. While vitamin B of honey helps the body with the use of estrogen, a key factor in the blood how this circulation and arousal.

red dress


Trained sexologists could infer the history of orgasms a woman to see how this walk. Men also are more sexy to women´s dress in red, against part to those colors using "cool" as blue or green.

walking against the wind


Walking against the wind, water or while loading a backpack, burns up 50 calories more per hour. Pedometers people who use it also tends to burn more calories and lose more weight.



See yourself running in a mirror, you can exercise in a conveyor belt feel faster and easier.

whiten teeth


Baking powder can whiten teeth. Garlic helps treat athlete´s foot and honey can ease a hangover.



The kitchen sink is dirtier than the bathroom. Typically, more than 500 000 bacteria per square inch in the drain. Also on tap, pipes and sponge are literally bathed in germs, A colony of bacteria over 50 million, can live peacefully in a dirty sponge. And just think that´s what you use to clean dishes, forks and glasses!

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010



A 20 minute nap can improve alertness, improve their good character and productivity. According to William Anthony co-author of The Art of Napping At Work, the energizing effects of a nap can last up to several hours.


Eating fruits and vegetables can help the body to produce their own aspirin. Discoveries by the Journal og Agriculture and Food chemistry indicates that participants receiving benzoic acid, a natural substance in fruits and vegetables can produce their own salicylic acid, the key component that gives aspirin its anti-inflammatoryand pain relief



Smokers tend to be rested up to four times less than non-smokers. Smokers also tend to develop hearing loss almost twice more, than a non-smokers. This is because smoking could affect anti-oxidant mechanisms or blood pressure that feeds the auditory system

obese people


Obese people spend more on clothes, about $485 more per year. They also tend to have a performance increase of petrol in their cars, about $36 .

According to studies, an overweight pilot spent 18 extra gallons of gasoline a year. In addition, the clothes in sizes S and M. As for aviation fuel, a recent study by the American Journal of Preventine Medicine, estimated that airlines spent $275 000 000 350 000 000 to burn more gallons of gasoline due to increased weight on their passengers.


It is more likely to have a heart attack on a Monday, or until three days after being diagnosed with a cold or respiratory infection. The risk of dying from a heart attack increases by a third when suffering from flu or respiratory illness, according to research by University to Texas Healt Science University in Houston. The study estimates that about 90,000 coronary deaths could be prevented in the United States each year, if peolple are injected just one shot.

saline to the noise


Use saline in the noise can help keep allergies away. Nasal irrigation is a cheap and easy to find relief from allergies, nasal congestion, etc.



Studies at Cornell University found that people who enter your home by the back entrance through the kitchen, tend to eat 15% more than those using the front door.



The dogs can smell cancer and low blood pressure. Pine Street Foundation, an education and cancer research in San Anselmo, California, published a study that shows that it is possible to train dogs to identify, according to samples of breath, than patients with breast and lung cancer. Dogs can also detect low glucose levels in patients suffering from diabetes. The organization is currently recruiting patients with ovarian cancer, a new study that would also involve dogs.

global warming


Since the late nineteenth century, scientists have observed a gradual increase in the average temperature of the planet's surface. This increase is estimated to have been between 0.5 º and 1.0 º F. The ten warmest years of the twentieth century occurred between 1985 and 2000, with 1998 the warmest year for which figures are available. This warming has reduced the snow-covered areas in the northern hemisphere, and caused many of the icebergs floating in the Arctic Ocean has melted. It has also recently watched because of this increase in temperature, large chunks of Antarctic ice have broken off the rest of the polar body, thus reducing the size of Antarctica.

Global Warming Causes

Thanks to the presence in the atmosphere of CO2 and other gases responsible the greenhouse effect of solar radiation that reaches the Earth is retained in the atmosphere. As a result of this retention of heat, average temperature on Earth's surface reaches about 60 º F, which is conducive to the development of life on the planet. However, as a result of the burning of fossil fuels and other activities human associated with the process of industrialization, concentration of these gases in the atmosphere has increased considerably in recent years. This has led the atmosphere to retain more heat than they should, and is the cause of today known as global warming or global climate change.

Consequences of Global Warming.

Weather - Global warming has caused an increase in the average surface temperature of the Earth. Because of the merger of portions of polar ice, sea level underwent a rise of 4-8 inches during the past century, and it is estimated that there will continue to rise. The magnitude and frequency of rainfall has also increased due to increased evaporation of surface water caused by the increase in temperature. Scientists estimate that the average temperature of the earth's surface can reach up to 4.5 º F increase over the next 50 years (2001-2050), and up to 10 º F this century. This increased water evaporation will result in an increase in the intensity and frequency of hurricanes and storms. It will also be the cause of soil moisture is reduced due to the high rate of evaporation, and sea level rise an average of nearly 2 feet off the coast of the Americas and the Caribbean.
Health - A rise in temperature of the Earth's surface and bring resulted in an increase in respiratory diseases cardiovascular disease caused by mosquitoes and tropical pests, and prostration and dehydration due to heat. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems affected because, under conditions of heat, the person must exert greater effort to perform any activity putting more pressure on these systems. Moreover, as in tropical areas extend to higher latitudes, mosquitoes and other pests responsible for dengue, malaria, cholera and yellow fever in the tropics affect a larger share of the world's population, increasing number of deaths from these diseases.

Surface Water Quality - Although the magnitude and increase frequency of rain events, the water level in lakes and rivers will decrease due to additional evaporation caused by the increase in temperature. Some permanently flowing rivers may dry during certain times of the year, and rivers whose waters are used for power generation would suffer a reduction in productivity. The increase in temperature will increase demand for drinking water, but reduced levels production of the reservoirs because water levels fall. By lowering the water level in lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams, the potential effect of the pollutants will be higher, as it will increase its focus on the water in them. By increasing the magnitude and frequency of rainfall will also increase the incidence and intensity of floods, as well as sedimentation of water bodies result of high runoff and low soil moisture. Inland wetlands, shallow aquatic ecosystems, will also be reduced in size due to evaporation.

Groundwater Quality - An aquifer is a source of underground water supplies. The upper level of water in an aquifer known as the water table. With the increase in temperature, the water table will drop due to evaporation, thus reducing the amount of available water in the aquifer. Moreover, by increasing sea level salt water could penetrate into thecoastal aquifers, making its waters salinicen and unfit for human consumption.Terrestrial ecosystems - as a result of global warming, the tropical region will extend to higher latitudes, and the region of pine forests extend to regions that today are part of the tundra and taiga.Soils lose their moisture by evaporation effect, many areas now covered by vegetation could be dry, widening the desert region of the planet. In the inland plains, water shortages caused byincrease in temperature could make these regions (such as the pampas of Argentina and the Great Plains of North America) on land unsuitable for farming, the main line of the economy for the inhabitants of these regions.

Coastal ecosystems - coastal ecosystems, mangroves, coralcoral beach systems, estuaries, and others would be affected significantly,and a rise in sea level would inundate coastal wetland areas,cause increased coastal erosion and water salinizaría at thelower rivers and coastal aquifers. The buildings are very close tocoast could be affected by wave action, which could undermineits foundations. Coral reefs, whose function is to protect the mangroves and the surf beaches and coastal erosion, would be deeper under the sea.Also affect the entry of sunlight to the bottom of the reef, thus affecting photosynthesis processes essential for life species of coral and itsability to stop the waves and avoid impacting the coast.

Agriculture - Due to the evaporation of water from the ground surface and the increase in the magnitude and frequency of rainfall and flooding, soils became drier and lose nutrients more readily to them be removed by runoff. This will change the characteristics of the soil, making farmers need to comply with the new conditions. The need for irrigation is essential during times of drought, due to evaporation will be more common than at present. Higher temperatures also resulted in the reproduction of some insects such as whiteflies and locusts (a type of hope) that cause plant diseases, affecting crop production. The flora and fauna - Due to climatic changes and changes in terrestrial ecosystems, the vegetation of each region will be affected. Pine forests will move toward higher latitudes, the tropical vegetation spread over a wider swath of the surface land, and the flora typical of the tundra and taiga occupy a smaller area. As a consequence, altered vegetation feature of many nature reserves and designed to protect the habitat of threatened, these reserves would cease to be the habitat ideal for them, causing their extinction. Similarly Thus, when the process of desertification occur in some areas also destroy habitat for many species causing their extinction. With regard to aquatic habitats, by increasing temperature of the surface water bodies concentration of dissolved oxygen present in the same be reduced. This will cause some species water can not survive under these conditions, causing their elimination in these water bodies. In estuaries affected and mangroves by excessive salinity and waves, many species of animals that begin life survive there either.

What can we do something to reduce gas emissionsgases and the consequences of global warming?

v Reduce consumption power
v Use bulbs fluorescent
v Limit consumption water
v Make greater use of solar energy
v Plant trees around the house to reduce the use of conditioners air
v Recycle containers aluminum, plastic and glass as well as cardboard and paper



oil spill


Oil is the main energy source for many human activities of modern society, such as industry, mining, and transportation (other energy sources are coal, natural gas and fall of river water).

Oil and refined products are unique and specific substances, as are mixtures of various hydrocarbons and other compounds whose physical and chemical properties vary widely. This fact determines its behavior and impact on environmental factors (physical resources, biological resources and socio-economic activities) when a spill occurs. The exploitation and transportation of oil are the main sources of hydrocarbon pollution as about 60% of global oil production is transported by sea and an estimated 0.1% of it spills into the sea (about 2.2 million tonnes per year).

It is considered spill or release of hydrocarbons to any dumping or unloading the same in the environment, which causes the hydrocarbon mentioned beyond the control of who handles them. After a spill or leak occurs hydrocarbon physical behavior is an important contributing factor to consider when evaluating the hazards on the environment.

For example, once the download has occurred or oil spill in the sea forms a thin layer on the surface of the water and produce a range of physical, chemical and biological processes determine the degree of harm they cause to the oil marine environment. Knowledge of these processes and the interaction between them is essential for making appropriate decisions spill response. Therefore, whenever there is a spill or leak the owner or dealer shall take immediate action aimed at the repair, recovery and / or necessary cleaning of the affected area. The oil, though not necessarily the most dangerous substance in bulk transported by sea, it is undoubtedly the most important from the standpoint of tonnage hauled, and therefore the substance more likely to spill into the sea and producing damage to the marine environment. Refined products for domestic consumption, are transported along routes to points of distribution and sea to storage and distribution plants along our coast.

As we can infer the possibility of the occurrence of a marine casualty involving oil spill at sea is not remote. The damage involving an oil spill could constitute a catastrophe and the costs arising from the same, easily reach large numbers. For these reasons an adequate CONTINGENCY PLAN to address oil spills or other harmful substances to facilitate response operations, is the key element that can transform a potential disaster in a situation of moderate damage.


An oil spill involves a series of gradual changes in physical-chemical properties which are attributed to the weathering process, which includes: evaporation, dissolution, dispersion, oxidation, emulsification, sedimentation and biodegradation.The weathering is the loss of certain components of the oil through a series of natural processes that begin after the stroke and continue indefinitely.

EVAPORATION:This process affects the composition of the spilled product: its density and viscosity increases and decreases its solubility in water, thereby reducing the level of toxicity.As the more volatile compounds evaporate, oil is heavier and may even collapse. After 24 hours almost 40% of the oil has evaporated.These percentages will vary according to the degree of viscosity of oil, for which the evaporation process plays an important role in stroke, especially when it comes to gasoline or light crudes.



Did you know that while rich countries consume about 300 liters of water per day per person in other countries (Africa, Asia and Latin America) availability is only 5 liters per day per person?


did you know that????

It is physically impossible for pigs to look to the sky.

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

childhood obesity

Did you know that...

About 60 percent of children 3-5 years eat more than three times per day??????????

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010



This is the most commonly used words and there is more controversy about its origin. One of the most popular theories say that during the American civil war, when troops returned to barracks without any floor, put on a big board Killed "0" (zero deaths). From this comes the expression "O.K." to say that all is well.

Another version is that it comes from the "OK club", wich in 1840 endorsed the reelection of U.S.

President Martin Van Buren, know as "Old Kinderhook" (born in kinderhook, New York)

However, it seems that the true origin lies in several articles in 1839 (years before the civil war and a year before the Club OK) in the Boston Post newspaper in which to call attention misspell OK as an abbreviation for -all correct-

Meaning of the Statues

Did you know that??????

If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has two legs in the air, the person died in battle, if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died of wounds received in combat, if the horse has all four feet on the ground, the person died of natural causes